Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 3, 2016

Baby Rachael is here! An Over Due Introduction

THIS WEEK: Hello my lovelies, to my surprise I've been getting many questions as to where I have disappeared off to. This makes me happy inside. Last post I left off on, I was about 36 weeks pregnant, had published my first youtube channel video, and life was simpler. Many things have happened and changed since then. 
For one, I had my baby girl. Her name is Rachael Bellamy, and was born on the 25th of February. Everything went well at L&D and she was born a healthy little princess. She is my second daughter and I'm very blessed to have her join our not so little family anymore. She is now just about three weeks old. Both Jacob and Samantha are the sweetest to her. They do get jealous often but none the less, it's been a pretty smooth transition for them accepting their new little sibling.
Speaking of transitions, (see what I did there?) Both the kids have transitioned beds. Sam is now in a toddler bed, and misses her crib oh so much! Jacob is now in a big boy bed,..actually a really big boy bed, a twin size. He loves playing in it, but not so much sleeping in it. We find him in the morning in Samantha's bed and Sam on the floor. So, at some point in the night he kicks her out of the bed, we're working on that, haha. 
Last but not least,... we have moved and we just got our internet installed finally! I do admit, I miss our place. It's really been the only place I've felt like it was really our "home." Since being married, we've moved a lot, and because of that I've always felt each house was temporary and never grown attached to it. But for some reason, I really grew to love that place. Until we have a place of our own- I guess I'll always feel this way. Oh well. Here's to new beginnings. New baby, new house, new not pregnant me!

So, this is why I've been so MIA. I do hope to get back on track with my youtube channel and blog plans soon. I just have to figure out a few things, and get more things unpacked.

BABY SPOTLIGHT: Rachael Bellamy Lucambio #historianphotography
SNAPSHOTS SINCE RACHAEL'S BIRTH: My handsome little boy Jacob sporting a new haircut, Samantha having a little beauty sleep in her new big girl carseat, as well as her in her new toddler bed- where she can continue this said beauty sleep haha, the last time these little stinkers took a nap together in our old place before the big move, and before the arrival of their new baby sis.
- Continue to unpack

- Work on having Jacob stay in his bed at night
- Organize the "Master Bedroom"
- Set up my vanity desk
- Plan out one new video to record
- Write one new blog entry
- Begin my "transformation" series content for when I can work out again.

  • I've realized how much garbage I have acquired whilst moving.
  • Rachael apparently doesn't like pictures taken of her- hence the fight she put up during her newborn photo shoot.
  • Samantha is walking more, though she chooses to crawl more often than not.
  • Jacob is the sweetest big brother ever! And Sam just loves to give Rachael kisses.

Something to take away:
"Being an adult is mostly just going to bed when you don't want to and also waking up when you don't want to."
 -unknown (lol)

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